What makes a printer print faster? A guide to printing at the speed of light

how to make your printer print faster

Is your beloved printer slow? Ladies and gentlemen, I have another statistics from the “life of an avreage office worker” for you. Did you know that the average office worker can spend up to 50 hours year waiting for print jobs to complete? That’s like watching the entire “Game of Thrones” series all over again! … Read more

Refillable Toners and Inks. Sustainable Savior or Marketing Buzz?

Refillable Toners and Inks. Sustainable Savior or Marketing Buzz?

Did you know, that nearly 375 million* empty ink and toner cartridges are thrown away every year? That’s a staggering number, isn’t it? And what’s even more surprising is that each cartridge can take up to 1,000 years to decompose. Now, imagien if we could reduce that waste by simply refilling our cartridges. Sounds like … Read more

Network Security Keys: Your Guide to Safe Wi-Fi

Network Security Keys: Your Guide to Safe Wi-Fi

The ” network security key” is your wireless network’s way of ensuring secure connection. It’s like bouncer at club, ensurign only the right folks get in. This key is the cornerstone of wireless networks, ensuring unauthorized users don’t gain unwanted access. Dive in with me, dear reader, as we explore the ins and outs of … Read more

Print, Protect, Repeat. Best Practices for Network Printer Security

In today’s digital age, we regularly focus on securing our computers and mobile devices. But, did you know that office printers can be a major security hole in your precious corporate network? Yep, those machines that spit out sensitive documents can be gateway for cyber attacks. While they might seem harmless, printers have evolved into … Read more